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Mercedes-Benz remains one of the most trusted automobile brands of the world. And in 2015 this global giant unveiled the Mercedes-benz Glc – an SUV model that is essentially a descendant of the GLK-class. But before planning your purchase it worth getting an understanding of the Mercedes-Benz GLC specification while also keeping in mind the Mercedes-Benz GLC price in India.
In terms of elements of style, the Mercedes-Benz GLC stays true to recent design themes in the look and feel of a Mercedes-Benz. Up front, the Mercedes-Benz GLC has similar curves and external lines, as an entry level GLA. However, with its flared wheels arches and a more curvy profile, the Mercedes-Benz GLC gives off a more contemporary vibe.
With its modern interiors, the Mercedes-Benz GLC also packs a lot of style. It comes with features such as climate control and a complete driver interface. The interior design is inspired by elements from the C-class among other Mercedes-Benz models.
The price for used Mercedes-Benz GLC cars can be somewhere between INR 47 – 50 Lakhs. Thus in terms of design and performance, the Mercedes-Benz GLC offers various features that cater to the Indian market and make this SUV a good purchase option.
Technical Specifications-