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OBV Valuation Report suggests the fair value of any vehicle by analysing all the inputs given by the user. It comes up with the current market price of the vehicle depending upon its overall condition and this helps the buyers and the sellers come on the same page in terms of pricing. Apart from this, OBV Valuation Report rates a used vehicle in three grades - Fair, Good and Excellent, and this rating helps you know that the used car, bike or scooter you are planning to buy or sell comes under which category according to its overall health. The user will also get to know the price of the vehicle in terms of all the three categories.
New Vehicle Price Now And Then: Vehicles often go through changes in their prices and this plays an important role in determining their resale value. OBV Valuation Report provides the users with information about the On-Road price of a used vehicle in the year when it was purchased along with the current On-road price of the new model of that vehicle. This gives a clear idea of the change in price of any model over the years of its production.
Total Cost Of Ownership: OBV Valuation Report provides the users with an idea of the total expenditure on any vehicle for 5 years. The total service cost of a vehicle includes several repairs and servicing works. The total cost of ownership for 5 years suggested by OBV Valuation Report includes fuel charges, insurance renewal cost, servicing charges, tyre change cost, etc., for the selected vehicle.
What Others Have Paid: OBV Valuation Report helps users get a clear picture of any used vehicle's current market value by stating the prices paid by other customers for other vehicles with similar make, model, year, trim combination. This helps the buyers negotiate better in case the seller is asking for more money than the other dealers or sellers for the similar model.
User Ratings And Reviews: It becomes much easier to take a decision about buying a product when we get some reviews about it from experienced people. To help you make a more informed decision, OBV Valuation Report provides you with user reviews and ratings of the vehicle you are planning to purchase. These reviews and ratings are given by the users of
Expert Reviews: Apart from the user reviews, OBV Valuation Report also provides Expert Reviews of the vehicle you are planning to buy. These reviews include all the necessary details about the vehicle, its functioning and performance. Moreover, the report describes the pros and cons of the vehicle you are considering to buy. This way, you can get an expert opinion before you decide on your used vehicle purchase.
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Let us help you to understand why OBV Valuation report is the best option before your vehicle transaction
1. What is OBV
2. How OBV Works
3. Why OBV
The Orange Book Value or any pricing or valuation mentioned in the report is an indicative pricing, generated based on proprietary patented methodology of Droom or its affiliates/partners/subsidiaries. The actual price of the vehicle may vary based on actual condition of the vehicle and several other parameters. Droom cannot be held responsible for any losses incurred or liabilities arising by the party relying on this report.
What Is OBV Pricing Certificate?
The first and only algorithmic pricing engine for used vehicles in India, Orange Book Value (OBV), suggests the fair market price of any used car, bike or scooter through the OBV basic report. The basic OBV report provides information like the current market valuation of the vehicle and the past transaction history. Now, with the introduction of the OBV Pricing Certificate, users can have a better experience as it gives a lot more information than the basic version of the report. If you want to take a more informed decision in buying or selling a used vehicle and want to know the fair price of your used vehicle with more statistics and data, then you should go for OBV Pricing Certificate.
How To Get OBV Pricing Certificate?
Users can purchase the Valuation Report from OBV's website. Before the user proceeds to pay, he/she will get to know the content of the used vehicle valuation report. After that they can pay and get the OBV Valuation Report.
Why OBV Pricing Certificate
OBV Valuation Report is the most comprehensive pricing guide for used car, bike and scooters. With the help of the new OBV Valuation Report for used vehicle pricing, the whole process of buying and selling of used vehicles will see a drastic change and it will help the users make a well-informed decision. It also provides various other information about the pricing of the used car, bike or scooter you are planning to buy or sell along with user reviews, expert reviews, lifespan of the components of the vehicle, etc.
Benefits Of OBV Pricing Certificate
The OBV Valuation Report comes with various benefits for the users. By purchasing the OBV Pricing Certificate, the users will get an idea of the total cost of ownership of a used vehicle. Apart from the current market value of the used vehicle, the users will also get to know the price paid by other buyers for a similar used vehicle that comes with the same make, model, year and trim combination. Also, you can get user ratings and user reviews along with expert reviews of the pre-owned car, bike or scooter you want to buy.