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KTM is an abbreviation for Kronreif & Trunkenpolz Mattighofen, it is an Austrian based company and was formed as a company in the year 1992, but has its root from the year 1934. KTM is known for its off-road motorcycles (Enduro, Motocross and Supermoto). Since 2012, KTM has been the largest motorcycle manufacturer in Europe for four consecutive years. Globally, the company is among the leading off-road motorcycle manufacturers. In 2016, KTM sold 203,423 motor vehicles worldwide. It has various models running across the globe which includes the Ktm Duke.
The KTM Duke retains the underbelly exhaust instead of the side mounts as seen on the bigger models. The Duke is far less bulky than its elder siblings but gives you a sporty feel. The black and orange paint job gives it a very premium brand appeal which KTM bikes are known for and suits the model well. The different thing about KTM is that their design is way different from options we see in Yamaha, Bajaj, Kawasaki etc.
Technical Specifications-