Orange Book Value is a platform that helps in determining the fair market price of used vehicles. It is basically an algorithmic pricing engine that suggests market value of used cars, used bikes and used scooters. Questions like what is the value of my used car or used bike come to our mind when we decide to sell it off. However, we do not get to understand the proper valuation of our vehicles.
In order to come up with a proper used car valuation or used bike valuation, Orange Book Value uses real time data science to value depreciation of automobiles. It helps the sellers put a fair price in front of the buyer, and for the buyers, it helps them get a product that serves great value for their money. This is a service by droom, which was founded by Sandeep Aggarwal.
Fair Market Value of Any Used Vehicle Under 10 seconds for free
Only Pricing Benchmark Tool in India which is Independent, Objective and Unbiased
Based on 21st century Data Science and Machine Learning Methodology
Used by over 200 Million users
Used by over 25,000 auto dealers across India
Used by leading Banks, Insurance Companies, NBFCs and OEMs
US Patent Pending
Used Vehicle Pricing for Bicycles, Scooters, Bikes, Cars and Planes
Orange Book Value works as an independent value calculator for cars, bikes and scooters that determines second-hand vehicle prices. It uses Droom's proprietary technology and data science to come up with fair market value of used cars, bikes and scooters, and utilises scientific data to get the exact value for the vehicle. The primary objective of this used-vehicle price guide is to get the fair market value for second-hand vehicles.
Another reason for using Orange Book Value is its unbiased results that help in obtaining reliable data on used-vehicle pricing. Also, it is the kind of valuation tool for used scooters, bikes and cars that calculates the data on real-time basis with a scientific method of suggesting their current market value.
To get the fair market price of your used vehicle, you need to follow just four simple steps. At first, you need to select the purpose, that means whether you want to buy or sell the vehicle. After that you need to select the category of used vehicle, which is whether you have a used car, bike or scooter. The next step is selecting the parameters such as make, model, year, trim, etc., of the product for which you need to get the correct market valuation. The market value of your used bike, car or scooter will highly depend on the condition of the vehicle and the kms driven. After that, you will get the exact valuation of your vehicle through Orange Book Value.
Benefits Of OBV
Being the most advanced algorithmic and data science-based value calculator, Orange Book Value is the most accurate valuation tool for used cars, bike and scooters in India. Unlike other pricing engines, Orange Book Value utilises Droom's proprietary data science methodologies and latest technologies to get the correct pricing of used cars, bikes and scooters depending upon various factors that lead to value depreciation such as make, model, trim, data for kms driven that is obtained through odometer reading, current condition of the vehicle that includes wear and tear, dents, major repair works, etc. A vehicle that is well-maintained and kept in good shape gets to score more in the OBV methodology and gets a better market value.
Orange Book Value calculates the valuation of a used car, bike or scooter according to different parameters that cause value depreciation of second-hand vehicles. When pricing engine comes up with a particular result based on the make, year of manufacture, trim of the vehicle, odometer reading that decides the total number of kms driven and the physical and mechanical condition of the vehicle, the used cars and bikes are rated on its basis. These ratings include Excellent, Very Good, Good and Fair. While Excellent and Very Good signify a healthy used car, Good and Fair indicate that it has problem with some of the parts and needs special attention and repairing.